Sunday, February 8, 2015

Milan, Italy

The immense Milan Cathedral was built starting in the 1300s on top of what was a Roman structure. The original baptistry, dating back to about 355 can still be seen inside the church. It is the fifth largest Gothic church in the world and the biggest in Italy. 

Milan is not one of the places where European Focus goes. Why? Too far to the north and not enough time on most of our clients' vacations to take in all of Italy. 

Helpful links: 

Last Supper in Milan:

Our recommendation is to try and take these two primary sights in during the morning of your second day prior to taking the train down to Florence. 

Your hostess is working on a helpful app to guide you around Milan, not that you will have much time here on this go around. You can look at your brief stay in Milan as an appetizer for your next trip to include perhaps the Lake Como district, Verona and Venice.

download the app TheDigitalConcierge
enter code for CasaTitta  2721